Imagine life without pain.
It is easy with FitPainFree exercise!
The first postural exercise that quickly relieves pain and effectively remedies your bad movement habits.
We own a European trademark. We are the only
FitPainFree trainers in Europe.
Want to get a franchise for your country?
Get in touch with us!
What is FitPainFree?
New effective exercise method
FitPainFree is a simple exercise to understand how your body actually works. The trainer will teach you to use every muscle consciously and precisely and so quickly relieves pain and remedy your bad movement habits.
Perfect option for:
Find an instructor in your region and join a group lesson. Or get a tailor-made workout plan and get rid of pain with a simple workout at your individual FitPainFree lesson.
Become an instructor and learn to pass on to your clients a unique method of exercise that helps from pain. Get access to a unique web application to create training plans.
I want to make my employees happier! I want to offer them FitPainFree exercise to compensate poor work habits. Let's do regular lessons, healthy days or workshops.
Please get in touch with us!